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Submission Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in writing for @anime!. Just as some general information, @anime! is an all volunteer magazine. Article deadlines are typically posted by the editorial staff on the staff email list. Typically, there is a list of topics that are currently on the schedule for reviews, but suggestions for article topics are welcome from the writers. If you have an article topic that you'd like to cover, please let the division editor know and he/she will be able to tell you what the status is for the articles in the coming issues (i.e. if that topic has already been covered or is scheduled to be covered.) All articles are the property of the authors with the rights of first publication reserved for @anime!. After the initial posting of the articles and when the issue is listed in the Archives section of the site, the authors are free to post their work wherever they choose.

Now that the general stuff is out of the way, let's get to specifics.

Word Counts:
All general articles should be between 500 and 1000 words. Feature articles are typically longer, around 2000+ and consist of multiple segments, like character guides and story sidebars. For examples, check out the Serial Experiments Lain article by Scott Rider (http://www.atanime.com/v1/i2/09_lain_splash.html) or the Card Captor Sakura article (http://www.atanime.com/v2/i2/03_ccs1.html).

Infobox Information:
Whenever a article is submitted, try to get as much information as you can about the subject. For example, there are a few things that need to be submitted with reviews. Those items are as follows:

For Anime reviews:

  • Title
  • Copyright Date(s)/Info - Japanese and English Releases (if applicable)
  • Release/Premiere date(s)
  • Catalog Number(s)
  • Length (if applicable)
  • US Distributor (if applicable)
  • Suggested Retail Price (in Yen for Japanese reviews, dollars for domestic reviews)

For Video Game reviews:

  • Title
  • Copyright Date(s)/Info - Japanese and English Releases (if applicable)
  • Release Date
  • Catalog Number
  • Number of Players
  • System
  • Suggested Retail Price

For Manga, Comic or Book reviews:

  • Title
  • Copyright Date(s)/Info - Japanese and English Releases (if applicable)
  • Publisher
  • Suggested Retail Price
  • ISBN Number(s)

When doing a review, try to gather artwork to accompany your work. If you're able to do scans or screen captures, please send them along with your article. If you have trouble or are unable to get images, please note that with your submission.

Where to send articles:
Send all articles and attachments to submissions@atanime.com. The editorial staff will check and then, if necessary, send a copy back to the authors with suggestions and/or changes.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to send me an email at tim@atanime.com. Thanks again for your interest in joining the @anime! crew! Hope to see some articles soon.

Tim Georgi



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